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2021 MargotCamille New Way

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Life as we know it changed for all of us.

Your support has been humbling and I am forever grateful for your friendship. 


As 2021 unfolded, it is obvious that business as usual is not sustainable. Yet, thanks to all of you, I believe that it can be reinvented.  


In 2021, Margot & Camille is going on the a restored 1968 Airstream!


Please join us on this new adventure!

Download the MargotCamille On-Air(stream) app on your smartphone.  

This way you will know anytime when and where the MargotCamille On-Air(stream) will be parked.

Thank you again for your unwavering support.

I know we will continue to support each other during these challenging times.


Valerie, Margot, Camille

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